Brutal Fruit Spritzer's Campaign on Real-Life Connections This  Women's Month

Brutal Fruit Spritzer's Campaign on Real-Life Connections This Women's Month

In celebration of Women’s Month, on August 9th, Brutal Fruit Spritzer asks us to put our Phones Down and Glasses Up. This campaign invites women to put down their phones and raise their glasses in a toast to meaningful, real-life connections. Backed by compelling research, the get-together highlights the critical need for personal interaction in a world increasingly dominated by screen time.

Recent studies reveal that South Africans have the highest screen time consumption globally, spending an astonishing 9 hours and 24 minutes on screens daily( This pervasive digital engagement comes at a significant cost to our well-being. "The more time you spend looking at a screen, the less time you spend interacting in person with others," according to insights from UNC Healthcare ( According to behavioural findings by the World Health Organization, societal expectations to always be digitally available, combined with the never-ending treadmill of caregiving responsibilities, result in burnout impacting 42% of women globally. This prevents them from fully experiencing the present moment. These findings are particularly concerning as they point to a direct link between excessive screen time and increased feelings of loneliness, stress disorders, and depression.

Embracing Face-to-Face Connections

Modern digital habits have eroded the art of real-time conversations. These habits have created a world where we don’t live in the moment anymore, because our phones are always at the center of every highlight in our lives. Brutal Fruit Spritzer has always championed the importance of celebrating friendships, and focusing on what truly matters by encouraging women to cherish their 'besties' every Saturday. This cultural movement is more relevant than ever, as we strive to bring back the joy of connecting and belonging by being in the moment. With Phones Down, Glasses Up, Brutal Fruit Spritzer is not just advocating for less screen time but fostering a movement where women can rediscover the power of real time connections and celebrate the essence of togetherness.

From Screens to Being Present: Brutal Fruit Spritzer's Movement to Reclaim Real life moments

Minimizing external distractions and avoiding multitasking can improve focus and productivity by allowing our brains to process information more effectively. According to modern experimental psychology, brain activity generally has limited capacity for attention and is easily influenced by external distractions. When not interrupted by external triggers, humans tend to interrupt themselves to maintain a level of interruptions.

This is especially evident in today's information overload era, where our brains struggle to process the vast amount of information and options available. (source: Managing Attention in the Information Overload Era, Hidden Brain audio journal on human behaviour and social science research,

Phones Down, Glasses Up: Rediscover the Joy of In-Person Connections

To further explore these crucial issues, Brutal Fruit Spritzer will be hosting an insightful live interview featuring Ramona Kayembe, Head of Brand for Brutal Fruit Spritzer, alongside a psychologist. This discussion will delve into why South Africa leads in screen time statistics and the profound impact this has on mental health. The conversation aims to address the reasons behind this trend and emphasize the importance of reconnecting in person, aligning with Brutal Fruit Spritzer's enduring narrative of belonging and community. Raise Your Glass to Meaningful Interactions: Brutal Fruit Spritzer's Phones Down, Glasses Up Campaign


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• Facebook: @ brutalfruitsa

Hashtag: #BeInTheMoment; #PhonesDownPicnic

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Less Screen Time More Real Time: Brutal Fruit Spritzer Brings Women Together at Their  Phones Down Glasses Up Picnic

Less Screen Time More Real Time: Brutal Fruit Spritzer Brings Women Together at Their Phones Down Glasses Up Picnic